91 79 2630 3610
PATIENT INFORMATION BULLETIN - Latest Hearing Aids Center in Ahmedabad

(1) Hearing Loss :

We enter the world wrapped only in a blanket of sounds greeted by our own crying voice comforted by the sound of the heart that beat beneath our mother’s breast. From here we start a long journey accompanied unceasingly by the sounds of life.

As we grow , sound provides the basis for our communication. We learn words that serve as symbols to describe things, ideas and messages. The constant stream of background sound never stops. We cannot turn it off even while sleeping. We close our eyes but not our ears. Because of disease, damage, some types of druges or the aging process, hearing loss strikes millions of us.

Usually the development of hearing impairment follows a slow progression going unnoticed in the early stages and, as a result, it becomes easily accepted. But what is lost ? NORMAL VERBAL COMMUNICATION ! UNDERSTANDING !

(2) Protect your Hearing

It therefore makes sense to do everything you can do to protect your hearing. Steps to be taken : I ) Avoid harmful noise levels II ) Air tight hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs provide good protection. Different kinds of earplugs provide varying amounts of hearing protection, depending on your needs.

(3) Symptoms of Hearing Loss :

1) Shouting in conversation

2) Using what? or rush? Frequently

3) Intently watching the faces of people

4) Turning TV or Radio too loud for other family members

5) Continually asking people to repeat themselves

6) Withdrawing from social contact

7) Straining to hear

8) Misunderstanding conversation

9) Favoring one ear

10) Ringing or buzzing in your ear

11) Switching ears frequently on the phone

(5) What can I do about hearing Loss ?

While hearing loss isn’t reversible, most age or noise related losses can be managed and often compensated for. Sometimes that means medication or surgery. But just an eyeglasses are used to correct most vision problems, hearing instruments are used to treat most kinds of hearing losses.


Good hearing is key to understanding your world. This is especially true within the family, at work, with friends and for many social activites


When you experience hearing loss, many aspects of life can become increasingly difficult. Conversations with loved ones, meetings..

Hearing Aid Trail

We at RAHI HEAR & CARE understand how reassuring it is to know you can hear sounds like the doorbell, a baby crying or the rustle of...

Hearing Aid Fitting

Rahi Hear & Care is the leading provider of Digital, Multi Digital Hearing Aids in city. Our office is conveniently located in the heart..